The things of Nature, living or non- living, are natural & man being living thing of Nature is also natural thing. But surprisingly man does not want to remain natural. He wants to get converted into artificial and works on converting natural things into artificial things. Why so? This is because of uncertainty, instability, perishability lying within natural things. Moreover, natural things are scattered. The human brain wants to establish certainty, stability and durability within natural things. It also wants to bring scattered things together. This emotional desire of human brain and intellectual logic working on such desire is the basic foundation of artificial things mean man-made things made by human brain out of natural things. It should be noted that the concepts are the brain childs of human brain which have their origin in emotional desire of human brain and logical thought of human brain on such desire. The concepts form a base for making natural things artificial. But after all the Nature is Nature and the Man is Man. The human brain in fulfilment of its desire to convert natural into artificial cannot destroy the natural base of artificial. For example, man can process agricultural produce such as fruits, sugarcane, milk etc. and manufacture the artificial food products such as jam, sugar, milk powder etc but man cannot destroy the natural contents of processed food products. The man can only increase the durability of natural agricultural produce only to some extent. What is family in fact? It is an artificial unit created by social law. What are company or nation? They are also artificial institutions created by law. The Companies Act is the law that creates artificial institution (also called artificial person or entity) called company and the Constitution of nation is the law that creates artificial institution or entity called nation. The family, company and nation are small to big social groups or units which are created by social laws to satisfy the human desire of bringing scattered things of Nature together including human beings. The artificial concepts of human brain conceived by emotion and logical intellect of human brain form the basis of such artificial social units. Since human emotion remains intact in such concepts, human emotion cannot be removed from artificial units such as family, company and nation. The honesty and trust are emotions that keep such artificial units united. It should be noted that sex is natural thing within small family unit of husband and wife, but sexual trust & honesty towards each other called sexual faithfulness is basic emotion that can keep such family unit united. This emotion of trust is natural and therefore forms the basis of other artificial social units viz. company or nation. The men may come and go in the natural cyclic process of birth, life and death but the artificial institutions remain intact with their stability & certainty except some wears and tears here and there if natural emotions of honesty and trust remain intact within such institutions. So friends, I hope you have understood basic difference between natural and artificial from my this analytical article!
- Adv.B.S.More
